Email Support Tickets - Solved at the Speed of Light! harnesses the potential of Large Language Models to deliver near-instantaneous email support ticket resolution with almost no human intervention.

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Control the chaos,
Resolve 55% of your email support instantly

Stop grappling with manual email support. Switch to SwiftServe's AI-powered, high-speed resolution that enhances efficiency, minimizes human error, and lets your team focus on what matters.

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Significantly Minimize Your Email Support Volume

SwiftServe can swiftly and accurately resolve over 50% of your customer support email inquiries, freeing your team to concentrate on more complex, high-value interactions.

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A Dependable AI Ally

SwiftServe masters email support queries autonomously, free from reliance on your existing content. An adaptable algorithm that ensures truly self-reliant customer support.

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Auto-Pilot or Manual? You Decide!

You control the reins. Choose when to let SwiftServe take charge and for which queries. For the rest, it's smooth handover to your team, ensuring every email gets a response.

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Plug-n-Play, No Delay

SwiftServe doesn't need your content. Simply activate it and let it plunge into action. No lengthy setup, no configuration, no training required. It's as ready as you are!

Customer Experience Unfiltered
Real transformations, shared by our clients


First Contact Resolution Rate

Before SwiftServe: 60%
After SwiftServe: 80-85%
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Resolution Rate

Before SwiftServe: 70%
After SwiftServe: 90-95%
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Average Handling Time

Before SwiftServe: 15 minutes/emailAfter SwiftServe: 3-4 minutes/email (average time)

Thanks to SwiftServe, some replies are even instant—no human needed!
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Support Backlog

Decrease by 80%
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"SwiftServe has transformed our email support - we're seeing a 45% decrease in response time and 30% fewer team hours spent on routine queries. It's efficient, intuitive, and constantly improving. Our team couldn't be happier."

Jessica Anderson,
Head of Customer Experience, PayQuick Solutions.
"SwiftServe has transformed our email support - we're seeing a 45% decrease in response time and 30% fewer team hours spent on routine queries. It's efficient, intuitive, and constantly improving. Our team couldn't be happier."

Jessica Anderson,
Head of Customer Experience, PayQuick Solutions.


No Challenge Too Great,
No Ticket Too Late!

SwiftServe scales seamlessly from a single query to a million, across platforms and borders. We've got your email support covered.

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Master of Languages

We speak your customer's language. SwiftServe triggers custom-language automations across 43 languages, including unique blends like Hinglish.

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Plug Into Your Workflow

Whether it's Freshdesk, Hubspot, Salesforce, or Asana - SwiftServe integrates seamlessly. And if we don't already connect, we'll build it for you.

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Any Email, Any Provider

GSuite, Outlook, or others – SwiftServe interfaces with any email service for seamless customer experience.

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Context is King

SwiftServe hooks up with your internal APIs to fetch contextual details like recent orders or transaction status to resolve issues smarter and faster.

Control the chaos,
Deliver High-Speed Email Support.

Stop grappling with manual email support. Switch to SwiftServe's AI-powered, high-speed resolution that enhances efficiency, minimizes human error, and lets your team focus on what matters.


Bid farewell to the mountain of order status, shipment, and refund queries. SwiftServe steps in to handle your customer interactions with precision and rapid responses.


Drown out the noise of repetitive transaction queries and password reset emails. With SwiftServe, give your fintech firm the power to expedite resolutions, boost customer satisfaction, and save time and resources.


Tame the influx of bill inquiries, plan change requests, and service disruption complaints. SwiftServe enables your telecom firm to streamline and accelerate customer email support.

Travel and Hospitality

Transform the whirlwind of booking confirmations, cancellation requests, and refund queries into a breeze. SwiftServe takes charge, ramping up the speed and quality of your email responses.